The Devil Lives on My Street

two not very political songs
(by Informal)

  Hence you may download an mp3 file of The Devil Lives on My Street [approx. 4.27MB], or a wma file of the same [approx. 2.72MB], performed by Deadman Turner.
  It was written in 1996 (when Informal lived in Cromwell Street), and this version was recorded and produced by Informal at home in Hampden Road, Battery Point, on 23 February, 2006.
  The words to the song are below.

   The Devil Lives on My Street

  When things go wrong in Cromwell Street, we all know how and by whom: if your milk go sour or your showerhead leak, it's the fault of evil Groom. The devil lives on my street: that nasty bringer of doom; the prince of lies and deceit—they call him Mr Groom.
  Should you pass through Cromwell Street, you may hear such ghastly screams: the neighbours shudder at that horrid house, and they have unpleasant dreams. Try to shun the house of horrors—Cromwell, number 25 —lads and lasses seen to enter therein are never seen again alive.
  He has two horns on his head and a countenance of gloom; "I was a demon," he says so himself—that evil Mr Groom.
  The devil lives on my street: that wicked wielder of doom; the prince of lies and deceit—they call him Mr Groom.

© 1996, 2006. All rights reserved.

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