the Powers that Be

lyrics of International Terrorism Day

    International Terrorism Day
  Well, the president is sweating in his military chopper, hoping he can fly away; you know he's not planning to stay, there are games to play: it's condition red alert across the USA for international terrorism day.
  See George the younger pointing his finger at Hussein; and down the bombs came in liberty and justice's name. With men such as these our hopes are all in vain—our lives a game for international terrorism day.
  So many angry men but they're all really much the same: Osama and his planes, those martyrs of that holy name; they claim injustice when they're just as much to blame. So, thank you for international terrorism day.


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© 2001, 2006. Andy G. & Deadman Turner

This page was established on I June, 2006, and last updated on 1 June, 2006.


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